Conference Papers

International Conference

  • Hsieh H. Y., Chen H. H. and Meng P. J. (2015) Changes of hydrographic conditions and larval fish assemblages in the coastal waters southwest of Taiwan after the typhoon Tembin. 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada. Spain, 22-27 February, 2015.
  • Hsieh H. Y. and Chen H. H. (2014) Seasonal fluctuations of abundance and composition of epipelagic zooplankton in a tropical coral reef ecosystem. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, Taiwan, 23-27 June, 2014.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Yu S. F. and Lo. W. T. (2014) Seasonal variability in the assemblage structure of siphonophores in the waters around Taiwan: the response to hydrographic processes. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulug, Hawaii USA, 23-28 February, 2014. p127.
  • Lo. W. T., Yu S. F. and Hsieh H. Y. (2013) Epipelagic siphonophores associated with summer mesoscale hydrographic features in the waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific Ocean. PICES Annual Meeting 2013, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, 11-20 October, 2013.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo. W. T. and Wu L. J. (2013) Distribution and abundance of larval fish assemblages in the Kuroshio waters east of Taiwan. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Okinawa, Japan, 24-28 June, 2013.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Yu S. F., Lo. W. T. and Wu L. J. (2013) Seasonal and mesoscale distributional patterns on siphonophore community in the waters around Taiwan. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences, Keelung, Taiwan, 15-21 March, 2013. p280.
  • Lo W. T., Hsieh H. Y. and Yu S. F. (2012) Comparison of siphonophore assemblages during northeasterly and southwesterly monsoon seasons in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific Ocean. PICES 2012 Annual Meeting: Effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors in the North Pacific ecosystems: Scientific challenges and possible solutions, Hiroshima, Japan, 12-21 October, 2012.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Hsu P. K., Fang T. H. and Hu J. H. (2012) Effects of thermal discharges on phytoplankton communities in the waters off two coastal nuclear power plants. 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan, 8-13 July, 2012.
  • Lo W. T., Hsieh H. Y. and Kang P. R. (2012) Siphonophores of a transect off southern Taiwan between South China Sea and Kuroshio. 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan, 8-13 July, 2012.
  • Lo W. T., Hsu P. K. and Hsieh H. Y. (2011) Long term changes of copepods and hydrology in a eutrophic tropical lagoon in Taiwan. LOICZ Open Science Conference, Yantai, China, 12-15 September, 2011. p. 254.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Wu L. J., Chien H. P., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2010) Larval fish assemblages in the waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific, comparison between the during and after northeasterly monsoon. Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting Impacts, Assessing Ecosystem Responses, and Evaluating Management Strategies, Sendai, Japan, 26-29 April, 2010. p. 130.
  • Lo W. T., Hsieh H. Y., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2010) Effect of water masses on larval fish distribution during the summer SW monsoon in the Taiwanese waters, western North Pacific. Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting Impacts, Assessing Ecosystem Responses, and Evaluating Management Strategies, Sendai, Japan, 26-29 April, 2010. p. 144.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Cheng C. Y., Shen T. Y., Chen C. Y., Wu L. J. and Yeh H. L. (2009) The spatiotemporal pattern of oyster larvae abundance in Cigu Lagoon, Taiwan. The 3rd International Oyster Symposium (IOS3), Taipei, Taiwan, 2-4 November, 2009. p. 43.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2009) Spatiotemporal difference in horizontal patterns of larval fish assemblages in the Taiwan Strait during winter and summer. International conferences on (1) Dormancy in crustaceans: basic research and applied science (2) Zooplankton Behavior, Ecology and Aquaculture, Keelung, Taiwan, 6-8 October, 2009. p. 91.
  • Lo, W.T., Hsu P.K., Hsieh, H.Y., Chung C.L., and Shih, C.T. (2008) Responses of copepods and hydrology to the removal of mariculture racks in a coastal lagoon in Taiwan. 10th International Conference on Copepoda, Pattaya, Thailand, 13- 19 July, 2008.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2006) Seasonal and spatial patterns of fish larvae assemblages in the waters surrounding Taiwan, western North Pacific. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 4-9 June, 2006. p. 56.
  • Lo, W.T., Yu, S.F., Chen, Y.C., Liao C.H., Hsieh H.Y. and Liu D.C. (2006) Zooplankton biodiversity in the Kuroshio sphere around Taiwan. Symposium: Kuroshio and related studies, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC, 4-5 December, 2006. p. 15.
  • Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2004) Spatial distribution of fish larvae in relation to hydrographic conditions in the waters around Taiwan. PICES Thirteenth Annual Meeting, Honolulu, U.S.A., 14-24 October, 2004.
  • Lo W. T., Hsieh H. Y. and Hung Y. P. (2000) Composition and spatial variations of siphonophores (cnidaria) in the waters of northern Taiwan. PICES Ninth Annual Meeting, Hakodate, Japan, 23-28 October, 2000.


Domestic Conference

  • 謝泓諺、陳孝豪、孟培傑(2015)有無颱風的夏季台灣西南沿岸海域之水文特性及仔稚魚群聚。2015海洋科學年會,高雄蓮潭會館。
  • 麥祐翔、柯風溪、羅文增、謝泓諺(2015)高屏沿岸海域浮游動物的組成結構及其多環芳香烃累積之研究。2015海洋科學年會,高雄蓮潭會館。
  • 張韵晨、孟培傑、張桂祥、謝泓諺(2015)高屏沿岸海域水文特性與浮游生物群聚之相關性研究。2015海洋科學年會,高雄蓮潭會館。
  • 陳孝豪、羅文增、謝泓諺(2014)台灣西南海域夏季仔稚魚之群聚組成與空間分布。2014海洋科學年會暨第十屆海峽兩岸海洋科學研討會,台北福華國際文教會館。(poster)
  • 柯風溪、黃郁儒、張桂祥、謝泓諺、陳德豪、王維賢(2012)多溴聯苯醚在真核微微型浮游細藻之吸附動力學研究。2012(第2屆)新興污染物論壇,國立中山大學。(oral)
  • 謝泓諺、余淑楓、羅文增(2012)不同季風時期台灣海峽管水母群聚比較。2012國科會海洋學門年會暨成果發表會,高雄蓮潭會館。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺、康瀕壬、羅文增、劉燈城(2011)台灣南部海域水文變動對管水母群聚之影響。2011國科會海洋學門年會暨成果發表會,苗栗西湖度假村。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺(2008)季風及水團變動對台灣周邊海域仔稚魚群聚分布的影響。台灣西南海域漁業資源利用現況學術研討會,國立高雄海洋科技大學。(speaker)
  • 謝泓諺、羅文增、劉燈城、吳龍靜、蘇偉成(2008)台灣周邊海域水文變動與仔稚魚群聚時空分布的相關性。國科會海洋學門97年度成果發表會,彰化立德鹿港會館。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺、沈子耘、程嘉彥、吳龍靜、葉信利(2008)七股潟湖牡蠣幼苗分布之研究。台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,國立台灣大學。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺、羅文增、劉燈城、陳彥民、吳龍靜、黃美瑩、蘇偉成(2007)台灣四周海域冬季及夏季仔稚魚群聚分布的差異。2007台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,桃園龍潭宏碁渴望園區。(poster)
  • 陳哲聰、羅文增、李澤民、黃榮富、邱萬敦等18人(2006)小琉球海域生物多樣性之研究。95年度漁業資源評估管理及利用研討會論文集,基隆國立海洋大學,77-80頁。(oral)
  • 徐培凱、羅文增、謝泓諺、廖震亨(2006)屏東大鵬灣浮游橈足類之時空分布與水文變動之相關性研究。國科會海洋學門95年度成果發表會論文集摘要,台南尖山埤,第28頁。(oral)
  • 羅文增、何平合、蘇焉、劉文琤、許嘉泰、徐培凱、謝泓諺(2006)臺灣周邊海域水母棲息生態及防治移除方法之研究。95年度漁業資源評估管理及利用研討會論文集,基隆國立海洋大學,125-128頁。(oral)
  • 謝泓諺、羅文增、劉燈城、蘇偉成(2006)台灣四周海域季風及水團變動對仔稚魚群聚分布的影響。國科會海洋學門95年度成果發表會論文集摘要,台南尖山埤,第27頁。(oral)
  • 謝泓諺、羅文增(2005)大鵬灣浮游性仔稚魚之時空分布。國科會海洋學門94年度研討會論文摘要集,南投溪頭,第264頁。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺、羅文增(2002)高屏海域浮游性仔稚魚之種類組成及季節變化。2002年海洋科學成果發表會論文摘要集。350頁。(poster)
  • 謝泓諺、洪禹邦、羅文增、葉信平(1999)台灣東北部海域管水母之初步研究。台灣水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集。57頁。(poster)